Como parte del Plan de Acción Climática de la Presidencia de EEUU, "Estrategia para Reducir las Emisiones de Metano", la Agencia de Protección Ambiental de EE.UU. (EPA) propone cambios a las normas de aire para nuevos residuos sólidos urbanos (RSU) en confinamientos. Estos cambios requerirÃan ciertos confinamientos adicionales para capturar los gases de los confinamientos originales, lo que reducirÃa las emisiones de metano, un potente gas de efecto invernadero, y ayudar a reducir aún más la contaminación que daña la salud pública.
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Baleen and sperm whales, known collectively as the great whales, include the largest animals in the history of life on Earth. Though large in size, whales have long been considered too rare to make much of a difference in the ocean, and the focus of much marine ecological research has been on smaller organisms, such as algae and planktonic animals. While these small organisms are essential to life in the sea, they are not the whole story. As great whales recover from centuries of overhunting, scientists are beginning to appreciate their roles as ecosystem engineers of the ocean.
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According to a new study, 99% of plastic waste that enters the ocean cannot be located. While initially hearing that there's less plastic in the ocean than we believed sounds like great news, it's actually a frightening prospect. After all, if the plastic isn't in the ocean ... where is it going?! A team from the University of Western Australia spent a couple of years sailing around the world in five vessels hoping to accurately record just how much plastic is actually in the ocean. Although researchers expected to discover millions of tons, they were surprised to calculate that they only calculated about 40,000 tons of plastic floating on the surface.
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A study by the British Geological Survey and the Environment Agency reveals that almost all the the oil and gas bearing shales in England and Wales underlie drinking water aquifers, raising fears that widespread water contamination could occur. The British Geological Survey (BGS) in partnership with The Environment Agency (EA) have published a map which show the depth to each shale gas and oil source rock below principal groundwater aquifers in England and Wales.
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