Ambitious government plans for the expansion of solar farms could be achieved without sacrificing farmland, according to new research on a technology that could meet the UK’s electricity needs four times over.
Although preventing all the consequences of climate change is now impossible, we can adopt policies to mitigate its impact.
Two different oceans were crowded with tropical cyclones in late February 2025.
The latest chemicals used in refrigerants and aerosols can break down into pollutants, UNSW scientists say.
A century of fire suppression, combined with global warming and drought, has led to increasingly destructive wildfires in the Western United States.
A research team has identified critical factors influencing the electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2RR) using tin monoxide (SnO)-based electrocatalysts.
People in neighborhoods that experience more days of high heat show faster aging at the molecular level than residents of cooler regions, say USC researchers.
Greenland is an icy place year-round, but the winter months bring extra whorls of white.
Scientists develop a novel soil-reenforcing material by recycling waste fluids from geothermal energy harvesting plants.
AVUELO has encountered one of the wettest and cloudiest dry seasons in memory.
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