Los petirrojos empollan sus huevos cerca de dos semanas después de la puesta. Los caballos de mar machos suelen cargar los huevos de 9 a 45 días. ¿Y los pulpos de aguas profundas? ¡Cuatro años y medio! Investigadores del Instituto de Investigación del Acuario de la Bahía de Monterey (MBARI, por sus siglas en inglés) han observado este fenómeno único e inquietante y tienen declarado que esta especie tarda el mayor tiempo empollando huevos que cualquier otro animal conocido. La temporada de empollar huevos sucede después de que la especie madre ponga los huevos. Los padres entonces hacen todo lo posible para proteger a los huevos para que los hijos se puede desarrollar. Esto incluye la limpieza de los huevos y protegerlos de los depredadores, poniendo en riesgo la propia vida de los padres, evidentemente. En mayo de 2007, durante una investigación de aguas profundas...
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Researchers have discovered that the world's energy needs could easily be met by harnessing the power potential of high-altitude winds. Developers in an emerging field known as airborne wind energy envisage using devices that might look like parachutes or gliders to capture electricity from the strong, steady winds that blow well above the surface in certain regions.
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Tesla Motors' proposed "Gigafactory," Elon Musk's vision of a massive factory that would revamp the global supply chain for lithium-ion batteries and then sharply reduce their cost, still does not have an official location. California was not even on the radar, as rumor had it the Reno, Nevada area was the frontrunner to land this factory that promises to employ up to 6,500 people - in fact, excavation of a proposed site has already been completed. Arizona, New Mexico and Texas were also frontrunners in the event negotiations.
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August 17, 2014 will mark the one year anniversary of the Rim Fire in the California Sierra Nevadas. It was dubbed the Rim Fire due to its proximity to the Rim of the World scenic lookout. The third largest wildfire in California’s history, it burned 257,000 acres of land in Stanislaus National Forest and the western edge of Yosemite National Park, in addition to private land in neighboring counties. It cost more than $127 million to contain, and included more than $50 million in property damage. In the early hours of the fire, a deer hunter was rescued. After the hunter was taken to safety by helicopter, investigators interviewed him to see if he witnessed anything. He told them that he had slipped and caused a rock slide that may have ignited the dry vegetation. As time went on, his story changed several times, even blaming it on marijuana growers. Finally, as the fire had been raging for several weeks, he finally told the real story.
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Las incursiones humanas bajo tierra, tales como pozos, minas y pruebas de bombas nucleares, están dejando una marca en la geología del planeta que va a durar cientos de millones de años, dicen los científicos. En un nuevo informe, publicado en la revista Anthropocene, dicen que los humanos estamos alterando las rocas de la Tierra de una manera que es...
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It's time for the 27th annual Shark Week on the Discovery Channel, featuring a solid week of shark-centric programming for viewers who just can't get enough of ... factually incorrect fear-mongering stories about sharks. Sharks are the villain everyone loves to hate, from Jaws to endless B-movies on the SyFy Channel, but in fact, the real enemy is humans. Worldwide, sharks are in critical danger, and we're the only ones who can save them. It's time to put down the remote and take up the cause of shark conservation, because it won't be too long before Shark Week is little more than a series of antique horror films about a superorder of fish that used to be abundant in the world's oceans.
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