Severe drought affecting the western United States in recent years is not only influencing water restrictions for residence and creating problems for crops and wildlife, but it's changing the landscape by causing land to rise up in elevation.
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Una forma de arte antiguo está empezando a resurgir en una manera que nadie creía posible: en naves espaciales. El Origami, o plegado de papel japonés, se está desarrollando actualmente para paneles solares en el Laboratorio de Propulsión de la NASA en el Instituto de Tecnología de California. Estos paneles solares tienen un sinfín de aplicaciones.
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A principios de esta semana estaba sentado frente a la computadora, cuando de repente oí un fuerte golpe contra la ventana junto a mí. Instantáneamente volteé y vi la huella y plumas de un pájaro en pánico procurando desprenderse de la ventana para después irse volando rápidamente. Por desgracia, he visto este incidente muchas veces y las aves que se estrellan no siempre tienen la suerte de poder volar e irse. De acuerdo con un estudio reciente que revisó y analizó estudios anteriores...
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Fracking is once again in trouble. Scientists have found that what gets pumped into hydrocarbon-rich rock as part of the hydraulic fracture technique to release gas and oil trapped in underground reservoirs may not be entirely healthy. Environmental engineer William Stringfellow and colleagues at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the University of the Pacific told the American Chemical Society meeting in San Francisco that they scoured databases and reports to compile a list of the chemicals commonly used in fracking.
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Just how much Arctic permafrost will thaw in the future and how fast heat-trapping carbon dioxide will be released from those warming soils is a topic of lively debate among climate scientists. To answer those questions, scientists need to understand the mechanisms that control the conversion of organic soil carbon into carbon dioxide gas. Until now, researchers believed that bacteria were largely responsible.
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The National Park Service this week took an important step toward recovering grizzly bears in the North Cascades in Washington state. The agency says it is beginning a three-year process to analyze options for boosting grizzly bear populations in the area, including the possibility of translocating bears and developing a viable population. "We're happy to see the Park Service begin the long-overdue conversation about bringing grizzly bears back to the North Cascades," said Noah Greenwald, endangered species director with the Center for Biological Diversity. "Grizzlies have lost more than 95 percent of their historic habitat in the lower 48 states so we welcome any step that brings them closer to returning to some of their ancestral homes."
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