Ever wonder how lizards like Geckos can walk up walls and even across the ceiling? Is it sticky feet, anti-gravity, or what? Researchers at Oregon State University have developed a model that explains how geckos, as well as spiders and some insects, can run up and down walls, cling to ceilings, and seemingly defy gravity with such effortless grace. This ability, outlined today in the Journal of Applied Physics, is a remarkable mechanism in the toes of geckos that uses tiny, branched hairs called "seta" that can instantly turn their stickiness on and off, and even "unstick" their feet without using any energy.
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En Italia, un hombre que recogía setas fue atacado cuando se encontró con una osa y sus cachorros. Como parte de un programa de reintroducción y conservación en Dolomitas del norte de Italia, la osa, llamada Daniza, recibió la orden de ser capturada y posiblemente ejecutada. Esto ha provocado indignación en medios sociales, generando los twitter para hashtag #iostocondanzia (Estoy con Danzia). La indignación se deriva de la revelación de que cuando la víctima, Daniele Maturi, detectó a la osa...
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En un informe de las Naciones Unidas publicado en mayo, científicos de todo el mundo fueron llamados a unirse a la guerra contra las medusas. Según el informe, las medusas han abrumado el ecosistema marino como consecuencia de la sobrepesca de especies más competitivas que ellas, consumiendo huevos y larvas de peces de especímenes más débiles y la creación de lo que el informe denomina...
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Researchers in India say they have developed a prototype of an energy-harvesting device from the cocoons of a domesticated species of silk moth. They hope to put the technology to practical use while also tackling waste materials from the silk processing industry.
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In Italy, a man foraging for mushrooms was attacked when he happened upon a mother bear and her cubs. Part of a reintroduction and conservation program in Italy's northern Dolomites, the bear, named Daniza, was ordered to be captured and possibly killed. This has sparked social media outrage, prompting those on twitter to hashtag #iostocondanzia (I'm with Danzia). The outrage stems from a revelation that when mauling victim Daniele Maturi happened upon the bear, he did not immediately leave, but rather hid behind a tree to watch him. It is said the bear only charged when it spotted him watching from behind a tree (like a predator would do, thus provoking the bear).
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Russian astronauts, or cosmonauts, have discovered living organisms clinging to the exterior of their International Space Station. The microscopic creatures were discovered during a space walk to clean the surface of the vessel, and they’ve reportedly been identified as a type of sea plankton. But scientists have no idea how they got there.
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