Tens of thousands of thunderstorms may rumble around the world each day, but accurately predicting the time and location where they will form remains a grand challenge of computer weather modeling.
Life in the Smoke of Underwater Volcanoes
Disconnected from the energy of the sun, the permanently ice-covered Arctic deep sea receives miniscule amounts of organic matter that sustains life.
MSU Research Reveals How Climate Change Threatens Asia’s Water Tower
Tibet is known as the “Water Tower of Asia,” providing water to about 2 billion people and supporting critical ecosystems in High Mountain Asia and the Tibetan Plateau, where many of the largest Asian river systems originate.
Electric Vehicle Batteries Could Get Big Boost With New Polymer Coating
Scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have developed a conductive polymer coating – called HOS-PFM – that could enable longer lasting, more powerful lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles.
Study Examines Potential Use of Machine Learning for Sustainable Development of Biomass
Biomass is widely considered a renewable alternative to fossil fuels, and many experts say it can play a critical role in combating climate change.
For the Longest Time
For more than a month, Tropical Cyclone Freddy has cast about in the Indian Ocean, bringing powerful winds and downpours to anything in its long and wandering path.