The size and age of plants have more of an impact on their productivity than temperature and precipitation, according to a landmark study by University of Arizona researchers. UA professor Brian Enquist and postdoctoral researcher Sean Michaletz, along with collaborators Dongliang Cheng from Fujian Normal University in China and Drew Kerkhoff from Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, have combined a new mathematical theory with data from more than 1,000 forests across the world to show that climate has a relatively minor direct effect on net primary productivity, or the amount of biomass – wood or any other plant materials – that plants produce by harvesting sunlight, water and carbon dioxide.
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El empresario chino Yi Zong decidió instalar estaciones de carga él mismo después de que compró su Tesla a principios de este año. Se dio cuenta de que la carga de su vehículo sería un problema en China porque, bueno, hay pocas estaciones en ese país. Zong colocó las instalaciones con su propio dinero en 16 ciudades entre Pekín y su casa en Guangzhou: un camino de 3,573 millas.
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Los residentes de California han estado notando algo desconcertante cuando llegan a la tienda de abarrotes este año: es un año terrible para las frutas con hueso. A pesar del hecho de que estamos en plena canícula, los duraznos, nectarinas, albaricoques, ciruelas, cerezas y similares son mucho más caros que usualmente, y encima son de mucha menor calidad. ¿Qué está pasando? La respuesta está en la sequía extrema del estado, lo que causó estragos en numerosos cultivos de este año, incluyendo la fruta con hueso. La agricultura del estado puede estar experimentando algunos cambios importantes que se verán reflejados el año que viene, gracias al cambio climático y los cambios naturales en los niveles de lluvia, y no es la única región con miras de un futuro más seco.
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Trust me, no one loves a nice, big, juicy steak more than me and while I have no immediate plans of becoming a vegetarian, I am a little concerned about the resources and costs it takes to produce the proteins of our favorite meals. From the land that is used by livestock to the supplies and energy it takes to raise these animals for our consumption, it is evident that environmental resources take a toll. But what is the real cost? New research at the Weizmann Institute of Science, conducted in collaboration with scientists in the US, calculates these environmental costs and compares various animal proteins to give a multi-perspective picture of what resources are really being used.
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Thought to dwell mostly near the ocean's surface, Chilean devil rays (Mobula tarapacana) are most often seen gliding through shallow, warm waters. But a new study by scientists at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and international colleagues reveals that these large and majestic creatures are actually among the deepest-diving ocean animals. "So little is known about these rays," said Simon Thorrold, a biologist at WHOI and one of the authors of the paper, published July 1, 2014, in the journal Nature Communications. "We thought they probably travelled long distances horizontally, but we had no idea that they were diving so deep. That was truly a surprise."
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Since the end of the Space Shuttle flights, NASA has been relying on help from Russia to launch men and women into space. The agency has been planning on replacement rockets to take humans into space and now engineers have taken a crucial step in preparing to test parts of NASA's Space Launch System (SLS) rocket that will send humans to new destinations in the solar system. They installed on Thursday an RS-25 engine on the A-1 Test Stand at the agency's Stennis Space Center near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi.
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