La Agencia de Protección Ambiental de Estados Unidos (FDA) y la Administración de Alimentos y Narcóticos (FDA) emitieron hoy el proyecto de asesoramiento actualizado sobre el consumo de pescado. Las dos agencias han concluido que las mujeres embarazadas y lactantes, aquellas que podrían quedar embarazadas y los niños pequeños deben comer más pescado que sea bajo en mercurio a fin de obtener importantes beneficios de salud y de desarrollo. El proyecto de asesoramiento actualizado se ajusta a las recomendaciones de las Guías Alimentarias para los Estadounidenses 2010.
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Con la Copa Mundial a solo unos días de distancia, es obvio ver que el fútbol soccer es el deporte más popular del mundo. No sólo es un gran deporte para ser fan, sino que también es un deporte divertido y fácil de jugar. El fútbol tiene reglas limitadas y se necesita un equipo limitado, por lo que es un juego divertido para niños de todas las edades en todo el mundo. Durante un proyecto de grupo, estudiantes de la Universidad de Harvard, Jessica Lin, Julia Silverman, Jessica Matthews, Hemali Thakkar, y Aviva Presser se les ocurrió una idea para aprovechar la popularidad y el disfrute de una pelota de fútbol y ponerlo en algo práctico. Se les ocurrió la idea de fabricar un balón de fútbol, el Soccket, que podría almacenar energía cinética al usarse y luego ser utilizada para alimentar electricidad y poder encender una luz. Jessica Matthews, finalmente, tomó esta idea y la convirtió en la compañía Uncharted Play.
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Not all non-human animal dads are cut out for family life, but there are a number of species who have become known for their role as fathers who deserve a salute, from giant water bugs who carry dozens of eggs on their backs to males who actually get pregnant and dads who operate solo as single parents. This Father's Day, it's time to celebrate some of the amazing dads from the animal kingdom who go above and beyond when it comes raising and protecting their young. Red Fox Male red foxes aren't just loving mates, but excited and protective fathers. They take on the task of providing food for their mates every few hours for about a month after she gives birth. Then they take on the role of teacher – but teachers who like to take time out to play. Even when it’s time to get serious and teach their young how to start finding their own food, fox dads help them out and make sure they don't really go hungry by hiding it near their dens.
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You could say that, at least until now, cars and tomatoes have basically nothing in common. Tomatoes go from green to red as they ripen, and cars, well, they seem to be getting greener. As part of this trend, Ford is one of several companies that have been pursuing a viable bio-based plastic that could substitute for the petroleum-based plastics that dominate the industry today. Indeed, as cars continue to reduce vehicle weight in order to improve fuel economy, the use of plastics is becoming ever more common.
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Tomorrow is Father's day and animals are not normally thought of as being good fathers. For most species, the mothers do most of the work feeding and nurturing their young. Owl monkeys appear to be an exception! If there were a competition for "best father" in the animal kingdom, owl monkeys might very well win. Why? Because father owl monkeys provide most of the care needed by their young--carrying them almost all the time, even when chased by predators. By contrast, caregiving from owl monkey mothers to their young is limited almost exclusively to nursing. Considering the high prevalence of "deadbeat dads" and even "cannibal dads" in the animal kingdom, why--of all creatures--are father owl monkeys so attentive and protective of their young? This question is answered by Patricia C. Wright of Stony Brook University in the accompanying video.
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A new study by researchers at the University of Bristol and Plymouth Marine Laboratory has shed light on how different species of marine organisms are reacting to ocean acidification. Since the Industrial Revolution, nearly 30 per cent of all the carbon dioxide produced by manmade emissions has been absorbed by the ocean, causing a drop in pH of ocean surface waters: ocean acidification.
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