Realizar encuestas con expertos brinda la oportunidad de asomarse a una posible realidad futura, esto es lo que se encontró con la encuesta de 2016 de líderes en sustentabilidad, producido por GlobeScan (Inglaterta) la cual explora las opiniones de más de 900 profesionales de sustentabilidad que representan a empresas, gobiernos, ONG´s y el mundo académico a través de 84 países para evaluar el progreso que las instituciones han realizado desde la Cumbre de la Tierra de 1992 y reflexionar sobre sus expectativas para los próximos 20 años.


En la primera edición de esta encuesta anual desde la adopción del Acuerdo de París, se pidió a los expertos evaluar el progreso que las instituciones han hecho sobre el desarrollo sustentable, y de esta forma, contemplar sus expectativas para los próximos 20 años y compartir sus puntos de vista sobre la iniciativa privada, las ONG y los gobiernos federales que son los tres líderes principales en la sustentabilidad.

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A research team led by scientists at the University of California, Riverside and the University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science have found that ultraviolet light is changing the structure of the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil components into something more toxic, further threatening numerous commercially and ecologically important fishes. The DWH oil spill, in which more than three million barrels of crude oil got released in 2010 into the northern Gulf of Mexico, is the worst oil disaster in US history, contaminating the spawning habitats for many fishes.

"Ours is the first experiment evaluating the effects of DWH oil on the genetic responses of mahi-mahi embryos and larvae," said Daniel Schlenk, a professor of aquatic ecotoxicology, who led the study published in Environmental Science and Technology. "It is also the first experiment of this nature on a lifestage and species that was likely exposed to the oil. We found that the weathering of oil had more significant changes in gene expression related to critical functions in the embryos and larvae than the un-weathered oil. Our results predict that there are multiple targets of oil for toxicity to this species at the embryonic life stage."

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A lightweight telescope that a team of NASA scientists and engineers is developing specifically for CubeSat scientific investigations could become the first to carry a mirror made of carbon nanotubes in an epoxy resin.

Led by Theodor Kostiuk, a scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, the technology-development effort is aimed at giving the scientific community a compact, reproducible, and relatively inexpensive telescope that would fit easily inside a CubeSat. Individual CubeSats measure four inches on a side.

Small satellites, including CubeSats, are playing an increasingly larger role in exploration, technology demonstration, scientific research and educational investigations at NASA. These miniature satellites provide a low-cost platform for NASA missions, including planetary space exploration; Earth observations; fundamental Earth and space science; and developing precursor science instruments like cutting-edge laser communications, satellite-to-satellite communications and autonomous movement capabilities. They also allow an inexpensive means to engage students in all phases of satellite development, operation and exploitation through real-world, hands-on research and development experience on NASA-funded rideshare launch opportunities.

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Un centenar de millas al norte de Miami, en la costa del Atlántico, la ciudad de Stuart es una pintoresca comunidad frente al mar, con hogares, restaurantes y parques con vistas al estuario St. Lucie. Sin embargo, en muchas áreas ahora, cuando se acerque el agua, lo primero que se nota es el olor.

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