The freezers being tested in Central Park operate free of electricity — vendors can even charge their own mobile devices by plugging them into outlets attached to the freezer units. It seems fitting that Unilever, the world's largest producer of ice cream, is rolling out the world's first solar freezers in Central Park to keep those Popsicles, Good Humor or Magnum-brand bars cold while at the same time putting no strain on the environment.
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Although bacteria with waste-eating properties have been discovered in relatively pristine soils before, new research shows for the first time that microbes that can survive in the very harsh conditions expected in radioactive waste disposal sites have also been found. The ultimate aim of this research conducted by the University of Manchester is to improve our understanding of the safe disposal of radioactive waste underground by studying the unusual diet of these hazardous waste eating microbes.
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The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has reported that the amounts of atmospheric greenhouse gases reached a new high in 2013, driven by rapidly rising levels of carbon dioxide. The news is consistent with trends in fossil fuel consumption. But what comes as more of a surprise is the WMO's revelation that the current rate of ocean acidification, which greenhouse gases (GHGs) help to cause, appears unprecedented in at least the last 300 million years.
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Una reciente investigación del departamento de Inspección Geológica de Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés) estima que la población de morsas del Pacífico disminuyó en un 50% entre 1981 y 1999, el último año del que se dispone de datos demográficos. El estudio señala que el descenso fue más grave en la década de 1980, y luego se moderó en la década de 1990. Actualmente, el USGS está trabajando para obtener datos más recientes de la población de la morsa del Pacífico.
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Sandy Oliviera ha criado mariposas monarca en su patio trasero de East Providence durante 25 años. En 1998, ayudó a que 125 orugas se transforman en mariposas para después soltarlas al viento. "Empecé a sentirme como una fábrica de mariposas ese año," dijo Oliviera. Cada vez que su marido o hija recogían algodoncillo para alimentar a sus larvas en cautividad, regresaban con más huevos o larvas que criar. Algunos días, Oliviera liberaba una docena de mariposas recién surgidas, para el placer de su nieto de 8 años de edad, quien dejaba reposar a las mariposas en su cabeza antes de que...
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How is a warming climate impacting life in the oceans? Fish can move to cooler areas, but coral reefs are anchored in place. Late-summer water temperatures near the Florida Keys were warmer by nearly 2 degrees Fahrenheit in the last several decades compared to a century earlier, according to a new study by the U.S. Geological Survey. Researchers indicate that the warmer water temperatures are stressing corals and increasing the number of bleaching events, where corals become white resulting from a loss of their symbiotic algae. The corals can starve to death if the condition is prolonged.
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