Researchers at the University of Nevada, Reno have completed one of the most extensive river resilience studies, examining how river ecosystems recover following floods.
Researchers Assess Florida Keys Coral Health Following Marine Heat Wave
A team of researchers from NOAA’s Mission: Iconic Reefs program and partners from Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium and the Coral Restoration Foundation completed a scientific mission yesterday to quantify the impact of 2023’s marine heat wave on corals in Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.
Li Ion Conductor Discovery Unlocks New Direction for Sustainable Batteries
One of the grand challenges for materials science is the design and discovery of new materials that address global priorities such as Net Zero.
Anoxic Marine Basins are Among the Best Candidates for Deep-Sea Carbon Sequestration
Anoxic marine basins are among the most viable places to conduct large-scale carbon sequestration in the deep ocean, while minimizing negative impacts to marine life.
Increased Access to Water a Threat to Nomadic Livestock Farmers
Increasing access to water in extremely arid parts of sub-Saharan Africa can help nomadic livestock farmers in the short term.
Reforestation Programmes Threaten Vast Areas of Tropical Grasslands
New research led by the University of Liverpool highlights issues relating to restoration and reforestation projects across Africa.