When clouds meet clear skies, cloud droplets evaporate as they mix with dry air.
Utah’s Bonneville Salt Flats Have Long Been in Flux
Salt crusts began forming long after Lake Bonneville disappeared, according to new U research that relied on pollen to date playa in western Utah.
Temperature, Humidity May Drive Future Transmission of Parasitic Worm Infections
As climate changes, temperature isn’t the only factor to influence the spread of infectious diseases.
Making Sense of Holes in the Clouds
Cavum clouds, also called hole-punch clouds and fallstreak holes, look so odd that people sometimes argue they are signatures of flying saucers or other unidentified anomalous phenomena.
Low Oxygen in Lakes May Breathe New Life Into Conservation Efforts for Water Quality
Abigail Lewis traveled all across the United States for college and graduate school, and she ended up researching lakes in her own hometown.
New Study Suggests Significant Glacial Retreat in West Antarctica Began in the 1940s
Among the vast expanse of Antarctica lies the Thwaites Glacier, the world’s widest glacier measuring about 80 miles on the western edge of the continent.