So much methane is bubbling into a river surrounded by hundreds of fracking wells that it's a fire hazard! Local campaigners blame the coal seam gas industry for the gas releases which are spreading along Queensland's river Condamine and gaining in intensity.

So much methane gas is now bubbling up through the Condamine River in Queensland, Australia that it exploded with fire and held a large flame.

Gas seeping into the river began shortly after coal seam gas operations started nearby and is growing in volume and the stretch of river affected is expanding in length.


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With only days to go before the deadline, Volkswagen AG (VW) and the U.S. government reached a partial settlement over how to deal with the automaker’s “dieselgate” emissions scandal.

Volkswagen agreed to fix or buy back some 500,000 vehicles caught up in the crisis. What wasn’t agreed upon is how much the company should pay in fines and compensation to consumers affected by the crisis.


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The current placement of wind energy towers in the central and southern Great Plains may have relatively few negative effects on sandhill cranes wintering in the region, according to a U.S. Geological Survey study published today.

Midcontinental sandhill cranes are important to sporting and tourism industries in the Great Plains, an area where wind energy development recently surged. Scientists with the USGS compared crane location data from the winters of 1998-2007 with current wind tower sites in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and New Mexico prairies. Findings showed only a seven percent overlap between cranes and towers, and that most towers have been placed in areas not often used by cranes during the winter.


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Una organización que se concibe como comprometida con la responsabilidad ambiental y la sustentabilidad, y que esto lo refleja a través de su política ambiental y de forma abierta da a conocer sus resultados ambientales gana la buena voluntad de los consumidores. Organizaciones que son vanguardistas en las mejores prácticas ambientales tienen muchos de los siguientes atributos:

Alta dirección visiblemente comprometida.

Sólo un director general con una visión amplia y clara puede hacer de la responsabilidad ambiental una prioridad institucional y forjar un vínculo emocional entre una organización y sus grupos de interés (clientes, consumidores, comunidad, gobierno, etc.). Con esta proyección de un compromiso personal con la sustentabilidad, la Alta dirección gana la confianza de sus grupos de interés pero sobre genera ahorros, hace una de meses una de las 4 empresas consultoras más grandes de México hizo público un estudio sobre la sustentabilidad empresarial y uno de los aspectos que más llama la atención es que para los altos directivos el tema de la sustentabilidad sigue enfocado a aspectos ambientales pero que mejores la reputación y generen ahorros

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Researchers have figured out what makes certain chemicals accumulate to toxic levels in aquatic food webs. And, scientists have developed a screening technique to determine which chemicals pose the greatest risk to the environment.

According to the study led by the U.S. Geological Survey, two traits were identified that indicate how chemicals can build up and reach toxic levels:  how easily a chemical is broken down or metabolized by an organism and the chemical’s ability to dissolve in water.

These traits account for how most chemicals concentrate, or biomagnify, in ever-higher levels as one goes up the food chain from its base to its top predators, such as fish, people, or polar bears. Chemicals that have the ability to biomagnify, such as DDT, can have adverse effects on human and wildlife health and the environment. 


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El aumento de la contaminación lumínica a nivel mundial tiene efectos negativos sobre los organismos y ecosistemas enteros. Las consecuencias son especialmente fuertes para los insectos nocturnos, ya que su atracción a las fuentes de luz artificial por lo general termina fatal. Un nuevo estudio realizado por zoólogos suizos de las universidades de Basilea y Zurich ahora muestra que las polillas urbanas han aprendido a evitar la luz. La revista Biology Letters ha publicado sus resultados.

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