Storms associated with the advancing monsoon in the Northern Indian Ocean's Bay of Bengal were analyzed by NASA with the GPM or Global Precipitation Measurement mission core satellite.

The GPM core observatory satellite passed over the Bay of Bengal on May 23, 2017 at 0251 UTC (May 22 at 10:51 p.m. EDT). GPM is a joint satellite mission between NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, JAXA.

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Axions are particles whose hypothetical existence was introduced in 1977 by Roberto Peccei and Helen Quinn. The particles have been the talk of the town lately because their existence could largely explain so-called dark matter. In order to make a solid claim, researchers have been measuring the interaction between axions and photons. A team of international scientists from the project CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) at the European research center CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, including Prof. Dr. Horst Fischer from the Institute of Physics at the University of Freiburg, have set strict limits to the probability that axions turn into photons. They have presented their findings in the latest issue of Nature Physics.

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Es interesante observar la evolución de la sustentabilidad desde un punto de vista empresarial y holístico. A inicio de año diversas empresas transnacionales que vienen desde hace años trabajando en temas de sustentabilidad (Unilever, Nestle, DuPont, BASF, etc.) comparten sus prioridades y sus acciones para hacer su parte, pero ¿Cómo se aplica esto a los empleados, desarrollar el talento, mejorar la retención y sobre todo comprometer plenamente a toda la organización?

Una idea que ha sido desarrollada recientemente menciona que el éxito de la sustentabilidad en una organización se camina en 4 etapas que son:

En la etapa inicial o básica, un pequeño número de empleados voluntarios participan en actividades de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial con los objetivos de eficiencia y ahorro de costos.

En la etapa intermedia, un departamento de RSE gestiona actividades de sustentabilidad que promueven la eficiencia operativa interna, es en este momento que la sustentabilidad comienza a integrarse en las metas de la empresa.

La tercera etapa o de mejorar la cultura organizacional busca promover la salud, el bienestar y una actitud de compromiso y ser parte del cambio en los empleados, con una mayor integración de la sustentabilidad en el producto y en los procesos de la empresa.

Y en la última etapa, que es la etapa estratégica, la empresa mira hacia el exterior integrando las acciones de la organización con la comunidad, utilizando la sustentabilidad como la base de su modelo de negocio.


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Researchers from Lund University in Sweden and from Fudan University in China have successfully designed a new structural organization using the promising solar cell material perovskite. The study shows that solar cells increase in efficiency thanks to the material’s ability to self-organise by standing on edge.

The current research study deals with perovskite, a new and promising material in the context of solar cells. However, in its regular form, the material is very sensitive to moisture. It simply dissolves in contact with water, and even normal humidity deteriorates the material within hours or minutes. Now the researchers appear to have overcome that problem.

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Los altos niveles de contaminación atmosférica a lo largo del tiempo pueden obstaculizar el sueño de una buena noche, según una nueva investigación presentada en la Conferencia Internacional ATS 2017. "Estudios anteriores han demostrado que la contaminación del aire afecta la salud del corazón y afecta la respiración y la función pulmonar...

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For years, scientists have been warning of a so-called “hot spot” of accelerated sea-level rise along the northeastern U.S. coast. But accurately modeling this acceleration as well as variations in sea-level rise from one region to another has proven challenging.

Now an upcoming paper in Geophysical Research Letters offers the first comprehensive model for understanding differences in sea level rise along North America’s East Coast. That model incorporates data not just from atmospheric pressure and ocean dynamics—changing currents, rising ocean temperatures and salinity all influence sea level—but also, for the first time, ice mass change in Greenland and Antarctica. The researchers say their model supports a growing consensus that sea level rise began accelerating in 1990 and that what they found will improve estimates of future sea level rise at a local level.

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