It has long been known that exposure to pesticide sprays is harmful to honey bees.
Ecosystem Benefits to Humanity Expected to Decline by 9% by 2100
As climate change redistributes terrestrial ecosystems across the globe, the world’s natural capital is expected to decrease, causing a 9% loss of ecosystem services by 2100.
Some Coral Species Might be More Resilient to Climate Change than Previously Thought
Some coral species can be resilient to marine heat waves by “remembering” how they lived through previous ones, research by Oregon State University scientists suggests.
Wildfires Increasing Across Eastern U.S., New Study Reveals
In a new analysis of data spanning more than three decades in the eastern United States published Monday, a team of scientists found a concerning trend – an increasing number of wildfires across a large swath of America.
Using a Fiber Optic Cable to Study Arctic Seafloor Permafrost
The Arctic is remote, with often harsh conditions, and its climate is changing rapidly — warming four times faster than the rest of the Earth.
Hotter Weather Caused by Climate Change Could Mean More Mosquitos, According to VCU-Led Study
A warmer environment could mean more mosquitos as it becomes harder for their predators to control the population, according to a recent study led by Virginia Commonwealth University researchers.