Cancer Nanotech Nurtures Sustainable Agriculture Innovation


Cancer drugs and agrichemicals can be powerful, but toxic, tools.

Cancer drugs and agrichemicals can be powerful, but toxic, tools. Now, UNSW scientists are applying nanomedicine on a project to make greener agrichemicals more affordable.

Dr. Cong Vu was working in the UNSW labs when he had an idea - that the tiny particles he was designing to target deliver drugs to cancer cells may also have another use.

“I realised, why don’t we use the nanoparticles here to encapsulate pesticides for farmers?”

The cancer treatment he was working with, he noticed, had similar properties to a pesticide.

Agrichemicals, like cancer drugs, are powerful tools that can be harmful if released in the wrong place.

Read More: University of New South Whales Sydney

Dr. Cong Vu won the ABARES Science and Innovation Award in 2023 for his nanotechnology for managing drought stress in cotton plants. (Photo Credit: Zeno Rizqi Ramadhan)