How Aspirin Could Prevent Some Cancers From Spreading


Scientists have uncovered the mechanism behind how aspirin could reduce the metastasis of some cancers by stimulating the immune system, in a new study primarily funded by the Medical Research Council.

Scientists have uncovered the mechanism behind how aspirin could reduce the metastasis of some cancers by stimulating the immune system, in a new study primarily funded by the Medical Research Council.

In the study, published in Nature, the scientists say that discovering the mechanism will support ongoing clinical trials, and could lead to the targeted use of aspirin to prevent the spread of susceptible types of cancer, and to the development of more effective drugs to prevent cancer metastasis.

The scientists caution that, in some people, aspirin can have serious side effects. Clinical trials are underway to determine how to use it safely and effectively to prevent cancer spread, so people should consult their doctor before starting to take it.

Read more at UK Research and Innovation

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