Heat Protection Infographics Earn International Recognition in Climate Creatives Design Challenge


The Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation’s (Intact Centre) ‘Heat Protection Infographics’ for houses and rental units, were commended in a recent international Climate Creatives Heat Waves design challenge.

The Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation’s (Intact Centre) ‘Heat Protection Infographics’ for houses and rental units, were commended in a recent international Climate Creatives Heat Waves design challenge. The infographics are included in the contest publications: ‘Heat Waves: The Climate Creatives Challenge’ compendium book and the Climate Creatives Video, which showcases all the winning entries. 

The Intact Centre, housed within the Faculty of Environment at the University of Waterloo is a leader in sustainability research, education and innovation to benefit the environment, economy and society. The centre plays a pivotal role in developing guidance and mobilizing solutions that address climate-related extreme weather risk across Canada and enable a more resilient country. The Intact Centre works with homeowners, communities, all levels of government and businesses to reduce negative impacts from extreme weather events, including heatwaves, wildfires and flooding.  

Read more at: University of Waterloo

Photo Credit: TomMarc via Pixabay