Ozone Pollution Reduces Tropical Forest Growth


Ozone gas is reducing the growth of tropical forests – leaving an estimated 290 million tonnes of carbon uncaptured each year, new research shows.

Ozone gas is reducing the growth of tropical forests – leaving an estimated 290 million tonnes of carbon uncaptured each year, new research shows.

The ozone layer in the stratosphere shields our planet from harmful ultraviolet radiation – and protecting it is one of the major successes of environmental action.

But ozone at ground level – formed by the combination of pollutants from human activities in the presence of sunlight – interferes with plants’ ability to absorb carbon dioxide. Ozone is also harmful to human health.

Read more at: University of Exeter

Image: The canopy of a tropical rainforest at James Cook University’s Daintree Rainforest Observatory. Credit Alexander Cheesman (Credit: Alexander Cheesman)