Reef Tourism Encourages Climate Action


University of Queensland research has revealed that informing tourists visiting the Great Barrier Reef about climate impact doesn’t negatively affect their experience and can help encourage climate action.

University of Queensland research has revealed that informing tourists visiting the Great Barrier Reef about climate impact doesn’t negatively affect their experience and can help encourage climate action.

The researchers surveyed 656 reef visitors about their experiences and behaviours during boat trips.

Dr Yolanda Waters from UQ’s School of the Environment said the results showed information on climate change was positively received by visitors.

“Informing visitors about the impacts climate change has had on our marine environment doesn’t diminish visitor’s enjoyment of the Great Barrier Reef – we found it might even do the opposite,” Dr Waters said.

Read more at University of Queensland

Image: Bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef (Credit: Yolanda Waters)