The Noxious Cocktail of Wildfire Smoke


Wildfire smoke composition varies depending on factors like the type of fuel and whether the fire is smoldering or flaming, says UBC researcher Dr. Nadine Borduas-Dedekind.

Wildfire smoke composition varies depending on factors like the type of fuel and whether the fire is smoldering or flaming, says UBC researcher Dr. Nadine Borduas-Dedekind

Just what is wildfire smoke made of and why is it harmful to humans?

Wildfire smoke composition varies depending on factors like the type of fuel and whether the fire is smoldering or flaming, says UBC researcher Dr. Nadine Borduas-Dedekind. The smoke can contain oxygenated organic molecules, carcinogenic polyaromatic hydrocarbons, trace metals, and more. Researchers aren’t sure what specific components cause health issues, but the entire mix is noxious. Smoke particles that are 2.5 micrometers wide, smaller than a strand of hair, can penetrate deeper into the lungs and are particularly hazardous.

Read More: University of British Columbia

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