North Sea Oil and Gas Spikes Pollution by 10,000%


North Sea oil and gas extraction can cause pollution to spike by more than 10,000% within half a kilometre around off-shore sites.

North Sea oil and gas extraction can cause pollution to spike by more than 10,000% within half a kilometre around off-shore sites.

The University of Essex, Natural History Museum and Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) research has uncovered the true impact on Britain’s seabed life - with the number of species plummeting nearly 30% near platforms.

The findings, published in Science of The Total Environment, come in the face of continued global fossil fuel exploration.

The study discovered pollutants like hydrocarbons were up to 10,613% higher within 500m of the platforms than unimpacted, further away sites.

Read more at: University of Essex

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