Bridging the “Valley of Death” in Carbon Capture


Developed at EPFL, Heriot-Watt University, and ETH Zurich, PrISMa is a new platform that uses advanced simulations and machine learning to streamline carbon capture technologies, by taking into account the perspectives of diverse stakeholders early in the research process.

Developed at EPFL, Heriot-Watt University, and ETH Zurich, PrISMa is a new platform that uses advanced simulations and machine learning to streamline carbon capture technologies, by taking into account the perspectives of diverse stakeholders early in the research process.

Mitigating the effects of climate change has become a major focus worldwide, with countries and international organizations developing various strategies to address the problem. Lowering CO₂ emissions is at the top, with carbon capture technologies being a promising way forward.

Nonetheless, bridging the gap between research and practical implementation of carbon capture solutions has proven so difficult, it has an actual name: “Valley of Death”. The challenge is compounded by the need to take into account the perspectives and priorities of different stakeholders along the process.

Traditionally, carbon capture tech development begins with chemists designing materials and engineers developing processes, while economic and environmental impacts are assessed later. The results are often suboptimal and only delay the implementation of real-world solutions.

Read more at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne