AI Weather Forecasts Captured Ciaran’s Destructive Path


Artificial intelligence (AI) can quickly and accurately predict the path and intensity of major storms, a new study has demonstrated.

Artificial intelligence (AI) can quickly and accurately predict the path and intensity of major storms, a new study has demonstrated.

The research, based on an analysis of November 2023’s Storm Ciaran, suggests weather forecasts that use machine learning can produce predictions of similar accuracy to traditional forecasts faster, cheaper, and using less computational power.

Published in npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, the University of Reading study highlights the rapid progress and transformative potential of AI in weather prediction.

Professor Andrew Charlton-Perez, who led the study, said: “AI is transforming weather forecasting before our eyes. Two years ago, modern machine learning techniques were rarely being applied to make weather forecasts. Now we have multiple models that can produce 10-day global forecasts in minutes.

Read more at University of Reading

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