Need to Tackle Microplastics


Looking for solutions to manage the global crisis of microplastics pollution, particularly in marine environments, will be the focus of the 1st Nano and Microplastics Australian Conference at Flinders University (7-8 March 2024).

Looking for solutions to manage the global crisis of microplastics pollution, particularly in marine environments, will be the focus of the 1st Nano and Microplastics Australian Conference at Flinders University (7-8 March 2024).

The amount of plastic entering the oceans is expected to triple 2040, with 14 million tonnes already impacting marine ecosystems (United Nations Environment Program, 2021; Tuuri & Leterme, 2023). In the environment, plastic waste breaks down into micro- and nano-size particles or fragments of less than 1mm. Microplastics are the synthetic particles less 5mm and bigger 1 um and nanoplastics are synthetic particles less 1 um.

Australia, with its coastal urban concentration, contributes significantly to this challenge, generating 2.5 million tonnes of plastic waste annually, of which only 13% undergoes recycling (Australian Government, 2021).

Read more at: Flanders University

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