New Tool to Enable Exploration of Human-Environment Interactions


Spurred by the current climate crisis, there has been a heightened attention within the scientific community in recent years to how past climate variation contributed to historic human migration and other behaviors.

Spurred by the current climate crisis, there has been a heightened attention within the scientific community in recent years to how past climate variation contributed to historic human migration and other behaviors.

Now, an international group of scientists — including archaeologists, historians, climate scientists, paleo-scientists, a volcanologist and others — are calling for a strengthened commitment to transdisciplinary collaboration to study past and present human-environmental interactions, which they say will advance our understanding of these complex, entangled histories. Their recommendations were published Nov. 22 in Science Advances.

In doing so, the group has introduced a new tool, the “dahliagram,” to enable researchers to analyze and visualize a wide array of quantitative and qualitative knowledge from diverse disciplinary sources and epistemological backgrounds.

Read more at: Washington University in St. Louis

Multiple overlapping dahliagrams (Photo Credit: Michael Frachetti/Washington University)