A Fight Against Climate Change is Happening Under Water


Monitoring seaweed growth has the potential to accelerate regenerative seaweed farming and ocean restoration, and scale blue carbon initiatives, all presenting important opportunities in the fight against climate change.

Monitoring seaweed growth has the potential to accelerate regenerative seaweed farming and ocean restoration, and scale blue carbon initiatives, all presenting important opportunities in the fight against climate change.

To bring key data about what’s happening below the surface above water, Velocity company Coastal Carbon received $1.6 million in funding from Canada’s Ocean Supercluster (OSC) to undertake the AI-Driven Sensors for Seaweed Measurement Project.

In collaboration with seaweed farmer HoldFast NL, the AI-Driven Sensors for Seaweed Measurement Project, will enable Coastal Carbon to develop its small, non-intrusive sensors to remotely measure seaweed biomass and quantify that data using artificial intelligence.

Read more at: University of Waterloo

Photo Credit: nicholebohner via Pixabay