Zealandia Switch May Be the Missing Link in Understanding Ice Age Climates


The origins of ice age climate changes may lie in the Southern Hemisphere, where interactions among the westerly wind system, the Southern Ocean and the tropical Pacific can trigger rapid, global changes in atmospheric temperature, according to an international research team led by the University of Maine.

The origins of ice age climate changes may lie in the Southern Hemisphere, where interactions among the westerly wind system, the Southern Ocean and the tropical Pacific can trigger rapid, global changes in atmospheric temperature, according to an international research team led by the University of Maine.

The mechanism, dubbed the Zealandia Switch, relates to the general position of the Southern Hemisphere westerly wind belt — the strongest wind system on Earth — and the continental platforms of the southwest Pacific Ocean, and their control on ocean currents. Shifts in the latitude of the westerly winds affects the strength of the subtropical oceanic gyres and, in turn, influences the release of energy from the tropical ocean waters, the planet’s “heat engine.” Tropical heat spreads rapidly through the atmosphere and ocean to the polar regions of both hemispheres, acting as the planet’s thermostat.

The Southern Hemisphere climate dynamics may be the missing link in understanding longstanding questions about ice ages, based on the findings of the research team from UMaine, Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, the University of Arizona, and GNS Science in New Zealand, published in Quaternary Science Reviews.

For more than a quarter-century, George Denton, UMaine Libra Professor of Geological Sciences, the journal article’s first author, has led research reconstructing the history of mountain glaciers in the Southern Hemisphere. In the late 1980s, he and Wallace Broecker, a geochemist at Columbia University, noted that a key question about ice ages remained unresolved — the link between ice age climate and the orbital cycles in the length and strength of the Earth’s season. Evidence showed that ice age climate changes were synchronous in both polar hemispheres, with rapid transitions from glacial to interglacial global climate conditions. They concluded that existing theories could not adequately account for changes in seasonality, ice sheet size and regional climate.

Read more at University of Maine

Photo Credit: HaraldTedesco via Pixabay