‘Bee’ Thankful For The Evolution Of Pollen


Have pollen. Must travel.

Have pollen. Must travel.

Over 80% of the world’s flowering plants must reproduce in order to produce new flowers, according to the U.S. Forest Service. This process involves the transfer of pollen between plants by wind, water or insects called pollinators — including bumblebees.

In a new study, researchers at the University of Missouri discovered spiny pollen — from a native wild dandelion species in the southern Rocky Mountains — has evolved to attach to traveling bumblebees. Using a highly detailed electron scanning microscope, the research team could observe the microscopic surface of the spiny pollen, which otherwise looks like yellow dust to the naked eye.

“We observed this native pollen from the Rockies has optimally spaced spines that allow it to easily attach to a pollinator, such as a bumblebee,” said Austin Lynn, a recent graduate with a doctorate in biology from the Division of Biological Sciences in the College of Arts and Science. “When we compared that with the average lawn dandelion, which does not need pollen to reproduce, we saw that the pollen on the lawn dandelion has a shorter distance between these spines, making it harder to attach to traveling pollinators. Therefore, we show this wild dandelion pollen has evolved over many generations to create an optimal shape for attaching to pollinators.”

Read more at University Of Missouri-Columbia

Image: A microscopic view of spiny pollen from a native wild dandelion species in the southern Rocky Mountains.  CREDIT: University Of Missouri-Columbia