Switching from biomass to liquified petroleum gas could save lives and reduce temperatures.
A new study, published in Environmental Health Perspectives, has found that clean cooking with liquified petroleum gas (LPG) could avert 28,000 premature deaths and reduce global temperatures through successful implementation of a new national household energy strategy in Cameroon.
Researchers from the University of Liverpool, in collaboration with the CICERO Centre for International Climate Research, conducted the study that found these deaths could be avoided by 2030, following successful implementation of a national Master Plan to increase adoption of LPG for clean cooking. This is in addition to positive impacts on deforestation and actual reductions in global temperature from switching from biomass to LPG projected to reach -0.70 milli °C in 2100.
Household air pollution (HAP) is a major risk factor for disease and disability in low- and middle-income countries. HAP is caused by incomplete combustion of solid fuels and kerosene in inefficient stoves and devices, which are used for household energy, including cooking, lighting, and heating. HAP is the leading environmental risk factor for the global burden of disease responsible for almost 4 million annual deaths for approximately 2.8 billion people who rely on these polluting traditional fuels.
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