Overweight Children More Likely to Underestimate Their Size


Overweight children are less accurate in estimating their own body size. And the bigger their body is, the more inaccurate their guesses.

Overweight children are less accurate in estimating their own body size. And the bigger their body is, the more inaccurate their guesses.

Estimating your own body size and weight can be difficult. It turns out that this is true not only for adults, but also for children.

It is well known that severely underweight individuals – such as those with anorexia – have a tendency to overestimate their own size and think they are fat even if they aren’t.

But we encounter the opposite problem for overweight individuals, who tend to underestimate their own size. That can make it difficult to address the issue and to take the necessary steps to achieve a healthier body.

Read more at Norwegian University of Science and Technology

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