Our Vision for Moving Humanity Forward


We can’t completely predict what our world will look like 25 years from now, but we constantly study trends so that we can anticipate the rapid changes taking place in our industry.

We can’t completely predict what our world will look like 25 years from now, but we constantly study trends so that we can anticipate the rapid changes taking place in our industry.  Twenty-five years from now, it is estimated that:

•  The global population will exceed 9 billion, according to the United Nations
•  There will be more than 40 cities with populations exceeding 10 million
•  Wind and solar energy will account for nearly half of installed capacity and 34 percent of electricity generation worldwide by 2040. This compares with just 12 percent and 5 percent today.

Add shifting consumer attitudes about vehicle ownership to these insights and it is why I believe the auto industry is changing more today than it has in the past 50 years.

For all of the freedom that vehicles have provided in the past 100 years, we recognize their effects on safety, emissions and congestion in our cities. Through innovative technology, we have an historic opportunity to make personal mobility safer, simpler and more sustainable for customers around the world.

Read more at Green Money Journal