Every breath you take: Air pollution from idling cars puts kids at risk


Drivers who drop off their kids at school should turn off their engines

We think of schools as safe places for children but an invisible hazard is lurking right outside the front door,  says a new study from the University of Toronto.

Drivers who drop off their kids at school should turn off their engines

We think of schools as safe places for children but an invisible hazard is lurking right outside the front door,  says a new study from the University of Toronto.

 Matthew Adams, assistant professor with U of T Mississauga’s department of geography, found that school kiss-and-ride drop-off zones are exposing children to increased levels of air pollution.

“We wanted to know what happens when cars idle outside of schools, and we found that it creates some significant air pollution issues,” Adams says. “Under certain conditions, particularly in the winter when the air is not moving and dispersing that air pollution, cars can generate very high air pollution concentrations right where students are being dropped off.”


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Photo via University of Toronto.