Transforming restaurant waste into fuel


When most people look at discarded vegetable oil—browned and gritty from frying food—they likely see nothing more than waste.

But to Ajay Dalai, a professor in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, the cooking process creates a byproduct that has newfound potential as a source of fuel and biolubricant.


When most people look at discarded vegetable oil—browned and gritty from frying food—they likely see nothing more than waste.

But to Ajay Dalai, a professor in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, the cooking process creates a byproduct that has newfound potential as a source of fuel and biolubricant.

“We have made lots of contributions in biodiesel production from waste vegetable oil, such as the oil you get from restaurants,” Dalai said.

Transforming restaurant waste into fuel is only one of the projects thathas helped Dalai become a recognized member of his field, including a longstanding position as Canada Research Chair in Bioenergy and Environmentally Friendly Chemical Processing, and an induction to the Royal Society of Canada.

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Photo via University of Saskatchewan.