New York is the latest in a growing list of state and city governments mandating green building for government-owned facilities. Governor David A. Paterson has signed the State Green Building Construction Act and all new construction and major renovations must meet green building guidelines.
New York is the latest in a growing list of state and city governments mandating green building for government-owned facilities. Governor David A. Paterson has signed the State Green Building Construction Act and all new construction and major renovations must meet green building guidelines.
Although the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED certification system is one of the most popular green building standards in the world, New York’s State Green Building Construction Act will be based off of as of yet unwritten guidelines. The state’s Office of General Services (OGS) will be crafting new green building standards for state buildings.
Over the past five years OGS has pursued LEED status for all projects completed for its agency clients. The agency now has 31 designers who are LEED-accredited professionals and the OGS Design and Construction unit now assigns a LEED professional to every design project to review opportunities for sustainable design features and to identify projects that may be eligible for LEED certification.