Researchers have developed a new model to optimize radiation therapy and significantly increase the number of tumour cells killed during treatment.
‘Humanizing’ produce encourages consumers to overlook a few flaws.
MIT engineers have developed a magnetically steerable, thread-like robot that can actively glide through narrow, winding pathways, such as the labrynthine vasculature of the brain.
Researchers in Japan have found that the structure of Parkinson’s disease-associated protein aggregates can tell us, for the first time, about their movement through the brain.
Health warnings printed on individual cigarettes could play a key role in reducing smoking, according to new research from the University of Stirling.
A simple viral infection in the lungs of rats can become a lethal form of pulmonary hypertension if a common mutation is present, new Stanford research shows.
Researchers have developed a technology that can remove nitrate from water selectively, preserving beneficial minerals and dramatically reducing the cost of treatment compared with other purification methods.
Air pollution — especially ozone air pollution which is increasing with climate change — accelerates the progression of emphysema of the lung.
Everyone knows that achieving or maintaining a healthy body weight is one key to preventing cardiovascular disease.
Daily U.S. air quality forecasts for particulate matter could potentially be more accurate as the result of incorporating NASA’s Earth-observing satellite data, according to a recent study.
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