East Africa is much drier than other tropical land regions, including the Amazon and Congo rainforests.
Even in their dark isolation from the atmosphere above, caves can hold a rich archive of local climate conditions and how they’ve shifted over the eons.
With the arrival of spring, bumblebee queens take their first wing beat of the season and set out to find new nesting sites.
The oceans help to limit global warming by soaking up carbon dioxide emissions.
The researchers created maps showing where warmer weather has left trees in conditions that don’t suit them, making them more prone to being replaced by other species.
Municipal wastewater treatment plants emit nearly double the amount of methane into the atmosphere than scientists previously believed, according to new research from Princeton University.
Submarine landslides have a large tsunami potential and occurred on the central Norwegian shelf more frequently in the past than previously thought.
People living in tropical forest communities have often complained that the climate gets hotter and drier once trees are cleared but until now scientists have not been able to identify a clear link between the loss of tree cover and a decline in rainfall.
Glacier National Park is home to around 50 Canada lynx, more than expected, surprising scientists who recently conducted the first parkwide occupancy survey for the North American cat.
Images of vast clouds of wildfire smoke towering into the sky have become all too familiar during the recent years of record-breaking fires across the western United States and elsewhere.
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