UBCO researcher tracks the migration pace of large rivers in permafrost regions.
PSU Study: Everything Was Stronger in That Deadly June 2021 PNW Heatwave
What was different about the deadly, record-breaking heat wave in June 2021 that made it so much more extreme than anything the Pacific Northwest had experienced before?
NASA Space Mission Takes Stock of Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Countries
A pilot project has estimated emissions and removals of carbon dioxide in individual nations using satellite measurements.
To Help Oregon’s Dry Forests, Fire Needs to Be Just the Right Intensity, and Happen More Than Once
Oregon State University research into the ability of a wildfire to improve the health of a forest uncovered a Goldilocks effect – unless a blaze falls in a narrow severity range, neither too hot nor too cold, it isn’t very good at helping forest landscapes return to their historical, more fire-tolerant conditions.
New Research: Hotter and Drier Conditions Limit Forest Recovery from Wildfires
Warmer and drier climate conditions in western U.S. forests are making it less likely that trees can regenerate after wildfires, according to new research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Study: Smoke Particles From Wildfires Can Erode the Ozone Layer
A wildfire can pump smoke up into the stratosphere, where the particles drift for over a year. A new MIT study has found that while suspended there, these particles can trigger chemical reactions that erode the protective ozone layer shielding the Earth from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet radiation.