The impact of multi-storey building design considerations on embodied emissions, cost, and operational energy has been revealed for the first time.
The Global Economics of Climate Action
Climate change has serious consequences for the environment and people and is a major threat to economic stability.
Argonne, Progress Rail, Test Low-Carbon Fuels on the Path to Decarbonizing the Rail Industry
In response to sustainability goals, the freight rail industry is working to boost the use of lower-carbon intensity fuels in diesel-powered fleets to support global efforts in mitigating climate change.
Global Natural History Initiative to Address 21st Century Challenges
A group of natural history museums, organized by the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC, the American Museum of Natural History Museum in New York City, and the Natural History Museum in London, has mapped the total collections from 73 of the world’s largest natural history museums in 28 countries.
Protein-Based Coating Could Keep Fruits and Vegetables Fresh Longer
Rice University materials scientist Muhammad Rahman has won a Partnerships for Innovation-Technology Translation award from the National Science Foundation to develop a sustainable, low-cost, egg-based coating to extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables.
New Additives Could Turn Concrete Into an Effective Carbon Sink
Despite the many advantages of concrete as a modern construction material, including its high strength, low cost, and ease of manufacture, its production currently accounts for approximately 8 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions.