Over the past two hundred years, the ocean and atmosphere have been accumulating massive amounts of carbon dioxide as factories, automobiles, airplanes, and more churn out the powerful greenhouse gas.
Polar Ice Sheet Melting Records Have Toppled During the Past Decade
The seven worst years for polar ice sheets melting and losing ice have occurred during the past decade, according to new research, with 2019 being the worst year on record.
Greenhouse Gas Release From Permafrost Is Influenced by Mineral Binding Processes
New insights into the binding of carbon to mineral particles in permafrost can improve the prediction of greenhouse gas release / Publication in ‘Nature Communications’.
Tackling Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss Together
Climate, biodiversity, and societal challenges are intrinsically linked and yet are usually viewed in isolation.
TGI-Led Research Finds Shifting Climate Regions Leading to Hotter, Drier Conditions Across Kenya
Research published in Regional Environmental Change has shown that as climate zones shift toward hotter and drier conditions, ecological diversity will decline, posing a major threat to terrestrial ecosystems with far-reaching social and ecological impacts.
Poles Have Lost Enough Ice to Form an Ice Cube 12 Miles High, Study Finds
Over the last three decades, ice lost from Greenland and Antarctica could comprise an ice cube roughly 12 miles high, new research finds.