The number of species of the green alga sea lettuce in the Baltic Sea region and Skagerak and is much larger than what was previously known.
Rain Gardens Help Keep Pollutants Out of Waterways
As water runs down roofs, over driveways and patios and off other impervious surfaces, it might pick up pollutants as it flows directly into streams, wetlands, lakes and groundwater aquifers.
Masai Giraffes More Endangered Than Previously Thought
Giraffes in eastern Africa may be even more endangered than previously thought.
Dying Stars’ Cocoons Could be New Source of Gravitational Waves
So far, astrophysicists have only detected gravitational waves from binary systems — the mergers of either two black holes, two neutron stars or one of each.
As the Southern Ocean Heats Up, the Race Is on to Protect Antarctica’s Marine Life
As Earth’s atmosphere continues to warm, biodiversity in the global ocean is increasingly at risk.
Ice Swirls in the Sea of Okhotsk
Sea ice in the Sea of Okhotsk put on a dazzling display in late May 2023, as the winter’s ice pack thinned and broke up.