About 47 million homes use natural gas or propane-burning cooktops and ovens.
Study Shows Ancient Alaskans Were Freshwater Fishers
A scientific team led by University of Alaska Fairbanks researchers has discovered the earliest-known evidence of freshwater fishing by ancient people in the Americas.
Smoke Blankets the Upper Midwest
Smoke from intense wildland fires in Canada billowed over the upper Midwest in June 2023, causing hazy skies and hazardous air quality in Canada and across several U.S. states.
New Abundance Estimate for Endangered Cook Inlet Beluga Whales
Today, NOAA Fisheries announced an updated abundance estimate for endangered Cook Inlet beluga whales. S
Rooftop Solar Grew Nearly 50 Percent Globally Last Year
Global rooftop solar capacity grew by 49 percent in 2022, an industry report finds.
Shrinking Lakes of the Kashmir Valley
Two lakes surrounded by the high Himalaya Mountains are remnants of a much larger ancient lake in India’s Kashmir Valley.