Strains specialized to live in high-CO2 oceanic environments have evolved traits that are useful for decarbonization and bioproduction.
Researchers Target Sorghum Breeding to Boost Grain Crops
A research team led by The University of Queensland is on track to solve a major problem for Australian farmers using targeted breeding to improve yields for sorghum crops.
Greening Concrete: A Major Emitter Inches Toward Carbon Neutrality
Bernd Soboll’s favorite spot at his workplace — a cement plant 30 miles north of Hamburg — is an open-air platform almost 300 feet high.
NASA Helps Find Thawing Permafrost Adds to Near-Term Global Warming
Earth’s far northern reaches have locked carbon underground for millennia. New research paints a picture of a landscape in change.
Streaming Snow and “Sea Smoke”
Pine Island Glacier, along with neighboring Thwaites Glacier, garners attention as one of the main pathways for ice flowing from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to the Amundsen Sea.
Climate, Dead Zones and Fish: Solving a ‘Wicked Problem’ in Lake Erie and Beyond
here’s a famous piece of advice from hockey, attributed to Wayne Gretzky, about how it’s better to skate to where the puck is headed rather than where it is.