A new study suggests eastern wild turkeys in five southern U.S. states are unlikely to make meaningful changes in the timing of when they begin nesting, even under significant future climate change.
Powerful NASA-ISRO Earth Observing Satellite Coming Together in India
Built on opposite sides of the planet, the NISAR satellite will deepen understanding of climate change, deforestation, glacier melt, volcanoes, earthquakes, and more.
Drexel’s Titanium Oxide Material Lets Sunlight Drive Green Hydrogen Production
Clean energy plans, including the U.S. Infrastructure Investment Act’s “Clean Hydrogen Road Map,” are counting on hydrogen as a fuel of the future.
NASA Finds June 2023 Hottest on Record
June 2023 was the hottest June on record according to NASA’s global temperature analysis.
Plastic Pollution is Higher in Some Lakes Than Oceans
A new international study has found that the concentration of plastics and microplastics in some lakes is worse than in ‘garbage patches’ of oceans, and debris is reaching the most remote places of the world.
A New Method Allows Quantifying the Spatial Intermittency of Ocean Currents
The new methodology, developed by a team from the ICM-CSIC, accurately estimates the horizontal diffusion of water masses in different oceanic regions and will help to improve climate predictions.