Farmers around the world could help the planet reach a key carbon removal goal set by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) by mixing crushed volcanic rocks into their fields, a new study reports.
For Decades, Our Carbon Emissions Sped the Growth of Plants — Not Anymore, Study Suggests
For the last century, rising levels of carbon dioxide helped plants grow faster, a rare silver lining in human-caused climate change.
The Future of Hydrogen Fuel: UNSW Researchers Develop Technique to Analyse Hydrogen Fuel Cell Stability
Understanding why existing hydrogen fuel cell prototypes degrade can pave the way for more durable cells.
Record Shattering: Earth Had Its Hottest July in 174 Years
Earth just roasted under its hottest July on record, according to scientists from NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).
Exceptionally Low Antarctic Sea Ice
Antarctica is in the depths of winter, yet the continent is surrounded by much less sea ice than scientists expected for this time of year.
Microbe-Stuffed Soil Crusts Menaced by Climate Change
Novel approach to measuring microbe activity in wetted soil leads to better understanding of vulnerability, researchers report.