One of the best ways to spark an energy revolution is through the younger generation – and nothing quite speaks their language like video games. But this issue has less to do with the content of these addictive games and more with how the younger generation consumes them. Fantasy and adventure, sci-fi and first-person shooters, strategy and racing – video games today comes in all types of genres with thousands of add-ons and customizable features to make each story a virtual reality. And with all of these choices comes two more: buy a copy of the video game on a disc or download the video game straight from the console?
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Muchos propietarios se esfuerzan por tener un césped verde de ensueño. Pero, ¿cómo se puede lograr esto en un ambiente donde en algunas partes del país el agua es cada vez más escasa y el uso de insecticidas y fertilizantes está perdiendo apoyo? Investigadores de dos universidades del consorcio Big Ten tienen la esperanza de que serán capaces de encontrar una...
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A multinational organization that coordinates fishing activities in the western Pacific is throwing a lifeline to heavily overfished Pacific bluefin tuna stocks. Speaking today at a press briefing, Japanese officials provided details on a plan agreed to last week that aims to rebuild the spawning population by halving the catch of juveniles and limiting takes of mature fish as well. The proposal calls for total Pacific bluefin catches to be kept below the 2002 to 2004 annual average levels and for catches of fish weighing fewer than 30 kilograms—juveniles too young to spawn—to be reduced to 50% of those levels.
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A comprehensive new analysis released today says that nearly half (49%) of all recent tropical deforestation is the result of illegal clearing for commercial agriculture. The study also finds that the majority of this illegal destruction was driven by overseas demand for agricultural commodities including palm oil, beef, soy, and wood products. In addition to devastating impacts on forest-dependent people and biodiversity, the illegal conversion of tropical forests for commercial agriculture is estimated to produce 1.47 gigatonnes of carbon each year—equivalent to 25% of the EU's annual fossil fuel-based emissions.
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Climate change has made us question the things that we do, from buying food and using energy to riding planes and driving cars. One of the top questions surrounding climate change is this: Which fuel type is more environmentally friendly, petrol or diesel? Common knowledge would make us reply "diesel" right away, as engines running on diesel emit less carbon dioxide or CO2, and less CO2 is better to decrease the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. However, being eco-friendly isn't as simple as emitting less CO2. Diesel-powered vehicles may emit 20% less CO2 per kilometre travelled, but they may be more harmful for local pollution due to the tiny particles that are released by diesel engines into the atmosphere. The question really isn't which fuel or engine type is more environmentally friendly, as no form of engine that uses fossil fuels will ever become good for the environment. Rather, we should look at which has the capacity to inflict the least amount of damage to the environment.
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La Organización Meteorológica Mundial (OMM) ha informado que la cantidad de gases atmosféricos de efecto invernadero alcanzó un nuevo récord en 2013, impulsados por el rápido aumento de los niveles de dióxido de carbono. La noticia coincide con las tendencias en el consumo de combustibles fósiles. Pero lo que es una sorpresa es la revelación de que la tasa actual de acidificación de los océanos, que los gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) ayudan a causar, no tiene precedentes en al menos los últimos 300 millones de años.
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