In the last seven years, an estimated one person every second has been forced to flee their home by a natural disaster, with 19.3 million people forced to flee their homes in 2014 alone, according to a new report. The research suggests disaster displacement is on the rise, and as policy leaders worldwide advance towards the adoption of a post-2015 global agenda, the time has never been better to address it.
NASA finds Greenland glaciers melting faster than thought
Greenland's glaciers flowing into the ocean are grounded deeper below sea level than previously measured, allowing intruding ocean water to badly undercut the glacier faces. That process will raise sea levels around the world much faster than currently estimated, according to a team of researchers led by Eric Rignot of the University of California, Irvine (UCI), and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California.
The researchers battled rough waters and an onslaught of icebergs for three summers to map the remote channels below Greenland's marine-terminating glaciers for the first time. Their results have been accepted for publication in the journal Geophysical Research Letters and are now available online.
EPA Releases Updated Environmental and Public Health Indicators in Online Database
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released updated environmental and public health indicators in an online database, making information about the current and historical condition of the nation’s environment and human health more accessible to the public. This is an online update to EPA’s Report on the Environment. Users can explore 85 individual indicators-- on our air, water, land, human exposure, health and ecological condition-- using interactive graphs, tables, and maps, and download the data for each indicator.
Controlled burns and invasive grass
Controlled burning is widely used to maintain biodiversity and enhance regeneration of important deciduous tree species such as oak and hickory, but a recent University of Illinois study found that this practice also increases the growth of an aggressive species of invasive grass.
Pluto's atmosphere found being stripped away by the solar wind
New Horizons has discovered a region of cold, dense ionized gas tens of thousands of miles beyond Pluto — the planet’s atmosphere being stripped away by the solar wind and lost to space. Beginning an hour and half after closest approach, the Solar Wind Around Pluto (SWAP) instrument observed a cavity in the solar wind — the outflow of electrically charged particles from the Sun — between 48,000 miles (77,000 km) and 68,000 miles (109,000 km) downstream of Pluto. SWAP data revealed this cavity to be populated with nitrogen ions forming a “plasma tail” of undetermined structure and length extending behind the planet.
Los océanos desaceleran el aumento mundial de la temperatura
Un nuevo estudio de mediciones de la temperatura del océano muestra que en los últimos años, el calor extra de gases de efecto invernadero ha sido atrapado en las aguas debajo de la superficie de los océanos Pacífico e Índico, lo que explica la desaceleración en el aumento de la temperatura global de superficie observada durante la última década, a decir de los investigadores.
Una capa específica de los océanos Índico y Pacífico entre 300 y 1,000 pies por debajo de la superficie ha ido acumulando más calor del que previamente se reconocía, de acuerdo con los investigadores del clima de la Universidad de California en Los Ángeles (UCLA) y el Laboratorio de Propulsión a Chorro de la NASA.