New research by biologists at the University of York shows that plant and insect diversity is more loosely linked than scientists previously believed. Insects and flowering plants are two of the most diverse groups of organism on the planet. For a long time the richness of these two lineages has been regarded as linked, with plant-feeding insect groups considered unusually species rich compared with their nearest relatives. In a new analysis, based on the most complete tree of insect relationships to date, researchers at the University have shown that there is not a simple relationship between insect diet and diversity.

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A new study has found that powerful winds are removing massive amounts of snow from parts of Antarctica, potentially boosting estimates of how much the continent might contribute to sea level. Up to now, scientists had thought that most snow scoured from parts of the continent was simply redeposited elsewhere on the surface. However, the new study shows that in certain parts, called scour zones, some 90 percent—an estimated 80 billion tons per year—is instead being vaporized, and removed altogether. 

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Thirty-one percent of cactus species are threatened with extinction, according to the first comprehensive, global assessment of the species group by IUCN and partners, published today in the journal Nature Plants. 

This places cacti among the most threatened taxonomic groups assessed on The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ - more threatened than mammals and birds.

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Un nuevo estudio del equipo Laboratorio de Ciencia de Marte y Curiosidades de la NASA, ha confirmado que Marte, hace miles de millones de años, fue capaz de almacenar agua en los lagos durante un período prolongado de tiempo.

Utilizando datos del Rover Curiosity (un astromóvil de la NASA, N del T), el equipo ha determinado que hace mucho tiempo, el agua propició el depósito de sedimentos en el cráter Gale, donde el Rover aterrizó hace más de tres años. El sedimento fue depositado como capas que formaron la base del Monte Sharp, la montaña encontrada en el centro del cráter.

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Ever since human beings first began climbing the world's tallest mountains, they have struggled with a basic problem: altitude sickness, caused by lower air pressures which affect the ability of our bodies to take up oxygen. 

Or, as actor Jason Clarke says in his role as the climbing guide Rob Hall in the recently released movie, Everest, "Human beings simply aren't built to function at the cruising altitude of a 747." 

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Un nuevo estudio de la Universidad de Washington que puso a prueba 65 vinos de los cuatro principales estados productores de vino de Estados Unidos, California, Washington, Nueva York y Oregon, ha encontrado que todos los vinos, excepto uno de ellos, tienen niveles de arsénico que superan lo permitido en el agua potable.

La Agencia de Protección Ambiental de Estados Unidos permite que el agua potable contenga no más de 10 partes por mil millones de arsénico. Las muestras de vino variaron de 10 a 76 partes por mil millones, con un promedio de 24 partes por mil millones.

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