Dependiendo de dónde se produzcan, entre el 20 y el 40 por ciento de productos vegetales en EEUU termina desperdiciados. Una de las razones por la que muchas frutas y verduras son echados a la basura, ​​se debe a que no se ajustan a cómo los minoristas y los consumidores creen que los alimentos frescos deben lucir. Tomates demasiado anchos para un pan de hamburguesa, zanahorias que parecen salidas de un libro de texto de anatomía, y los pepinos que se atreven a ser curvado casi nunca se hacen presentes en los estantes de las cadenas de supermercados de Walmart o Whole Foods.

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Low Emissions Zones have their place in cleaning up the UK's worst air pollution hotspots, writes Richard Howard. But we also need to adopt fiscal measures to encourage a shift away from diesel vehicles, at once delivering cleaner air, increased tax revenues, and lower carbon emissions.

If we are to clean up air pollution in London and the rest of the UK, then Government needs to recognise that diesel is the primary cause of the problem, and to promote a shift away from diesel to alternatives.

There is an air pollution crisis taking place in London and many of the UK's other major cities.

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The number of African rhinos poached in 2015 is higher than previously thought with new figures from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) showing that a record 1,338 were killed across the continent last year – 33 higher than earlier estimates.
This is the highest level since the current poaching crisis began in 2008 and takes the number of African rhinos killed since then to at least 5,940.

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Depending on the source, anywhere from 20 to 40 percent of produce in America ends up wasted. One reason why so many fruit and vegetables are thrown out is because they do not conform to what retailers and consumers believe fresh food should look like. Tomatoes too wide for a hamburger bun, carrots that look like something out of an anatomy textbook, and cucumbers that dare to be curved almost never make the shelves at grocery chains from Walmart to Whole Foods. But Whole Foods, the supermarket that has arguably made organic and socially-conscious foods mainstream, announced that it will start selling “ugly” fruits and vegetables.

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Compelling evidence suggests exercise is an important component of cancer prevention and care; slashing your risk of developing cancer, improving your chances of successful recuperation, and diminishing your risk of cancer recurrence.

A pattern revealed in these studies is that the longer you exercise, the more pronounced the benefits. Studies show that both men and women who exercise during their early years have a lower risk of cancer later in life.

But like most things in life, exercise must also be done in moderation and be balanced. There is a sweet spot and excessive exercise can cause its own set of issues, but most in the U.S. are far from being at risk for this problem.

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Una de las cuestiones más críticas en torno al cambio climático es la forma en que podría afectar el suministro de alimentos para la creciente población mundial. Un nuevo estudio realizado por investigadores de las universidades de Tufts y Brown sugiere que los investigadores han estado pasando por alto el cómo dos respuestas humanas clave para el clima, la cantidad de personas que optan por la tierra agrícola, y el número de cultivos que plantan, tendrán un impacto en la producción de alimentos en el futuro.

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