Chemists from the Universities of Basel and Zurich in Switzerland have come one step closer to generating energy from sunlight: for the first time, they were able to reproduce one of the crucial phases of natural photosynthesis with artificial molecules. Their results have been published by the journal Angewandte Chemie (international edition).

Green plants are able to temporarily store electric charges after the absorption of sunlight by using a so-called molecular charge accumulator. The two research teams were able to observe this process in artificial molecules that they created specifically for this experiment.

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Hidroponía y nuevas técnicas agrícolas urbanas de alta tecnología, están aumentando los alimentos frescos en el centro de Manhattan y otros grandes centros metropolitanos a nivel mundial. Las personas están encontrando el sabor y las oportunidades de negocio de la agricultura urbana, que está creciendo también en las ciudades de Oriente Medio, como El Cairo y Egipto. 

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Future global warming will not only depend on the amount of emissions from man-made greenhouse gasses, but will also depend on the sensitivity of the climate system and response to feedback mechanisms. By reconstructing past global warming and the carbon cycle on Earth 56 million years ago, researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute among others have used computer modelling to calculate the potential perspective for future global warming, which could be even warmer than previously thought. The results are published in the scientific journal, Geophysical Research Letters.

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Portugal acaba de hacer algo bastante sorprendente. De hecho, es histórico: algo que ninguna otra nación ha hecho nunca. Portugal surtió las necesidades de electricidad de todo el país, durante cuatro días consecutivos, usando solamente energía renovable. Usando una combinación de paneles solares, turbinas eólicas, biocombustibles, energía geotérmica y energía hidroeléctrica...

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Scientists have discovered the oldest fossil evidence of agriculture -- not by humans, but by insects.

The team, led by Eric Roberts of James Cook University along with researchers from Ohio University, discovered the oldest known examples of "fungus gardens" in 25 million-year-old fossil termite nests in East Africa.

The results are published today in the journal PLOS ONE.

Some termite species cultivate fungi in "gardens" in subterranean nests or chambers, helping to convert plant material into a more easily digestible termite food source.

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Una nueva forma de reciclar millones de toneladas de basura de plástico en combustible líquido ha sido ideada por los investigadores de la Universidad de California en Irvine y el Instituto de Shanghai de Química Orgánica (SIOC por sus siglas en inglés) en China. "Los plásticos sintéticos son una parte fundamental de la vida moderna, pero nuestro uso de ellos en gran volumen ha creado graves problemas ambientales", 

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